Tuesday, March 20, 2007

CC1 Week 3 "Introduction to SPEAR"

In this week's assignment, we used our paper recordings from last week, analysed and edited them in a Spectral Editing program called SPEAR. I did not make any paper recordings, so I have used a pre-made sound file.

The program SPEAR, to me, was like a "Paint Program" for sound files, where the sound waves were like a picture that I was screwing around with. I found it highly entertaining and enjoyable. I had no idea I create such weird and wonderful sounds just by moving a sound wave to different time slots or frequencies, or deleting slabs of sound waves. I could even stretch the time, or transpose the frequency of the sound waves, creating an even more unique sound. It was unlike anything I ever heard. There were points in time where the sound was unbearable, but a quick "undo" resolved such an issue.

Instead of paper recordings, I have chosen a sound file that I created last year using a mixing program called FruityLoops Studio 5. I turned ELO's "Evil Woman" into a dance number and named it "Evil Woman Benmix". All the patterns and loops in this file were my own creation.

The links below will direct you to the original file of "Evil Woman Benmix" and a small sample of the file that I have "tampered with" in SPEAR.



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